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Alumna: Emily Warburton

Our spotlight this week is another one of our wonderful alumni, Emily Warburton! Emily (she/her) is from Plainfield, IL, and graduated with her Psychology degree in 2020. She also completed minors in French and Music. A fun fact about Emily is that she is an avid fan of all kinds of bread, a passion fueled by a 2018 study abroad to Paris.

She is currently in the second year of the School Psychology (Ed.S.) program here at BYU. Her goal is to help kids who might otherwise slip through the cracks in our school systems be successful, and she is passionate about creating a greater level of inclusion and equity for students of all backgrounds and ability levels.

Her advice to other Psychology majors is to “Go out and get experience! Interview for internships, reach out to professors to find research opportunities, and participate in psychology events! There is so much to learn about psychology and there are so many career paths to take, and one of the best ways to learn about them is to participate in the field.”

We wish you well in your School Psych program and beyond!