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Psychology Events
Ph.D. I-O Psychology Open House
Psych Association Opening Social
MFT Graduate Fair

All potential students applicants and interns are invited to attend the Marriage & Family Therapy Graduate Fair on Monday, September 25 from 9-12:00pm in 3220 WSC.

We have representatives from over 25 universities recruiting potential Master’s and Doctoral candidates and at about 10 mental health agencies looking for student interns in addition to advertising their clinical services.

Marriage & Family Therapy is a great field with many options and there are many amazing graduate programs to choose from. Mental health care is growing nationwide and MFTs are one of the most in-demand employees. To see what MFTs tend to make per hour, you can check PsychologyToday online in any given area and see the rates current therapists are charging. MFT allows for great flexibility while also making a positive impact systemically treating problems.

We hope you will be able to drop by, make some new connections, and enjoy conversation with your colleagues and peers. Thank you for taking the opportunity to visit and attend our Annual MFT Grad Fair.

If you have questions or concerns, please visit for a complete list of representatives or reach out to


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