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Alumna: Kristen Evans

Since it is Homecoming Week, we would like to spotlight one of our many amazing female alumnae! Kristen Evans (She/Her) is from Las Vegas, NV, and graduated from our program in 2018. She enjoys playing volleyball, board games, and hosting events (we will have to see if we can get an invite!). She currently lives in Provo with her husband and 3-year-old daughter, plus they have a new baby on the way–congratulations Evans Family!

One impactful experience Kristen had at BYU was a Rec Management study abroad, where she made some of her best friends and visited Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland, and Iceland. On a similar note, one impactful class she took was Women’s Studies. Of this, Kristen shared, “I think Women's Studies was such an empowering class to be a part of. I loved learning about women's issues throughout the U.S. and the world. It made me even more strongly feminist and taught me to question the norm just because it is the norm of how things operate in our society. It opened my heart to people struggling in far away places. I was shocked to learn about something as simple as maternal mortality rates in 3rd world countries. I loved Dr. Birmingham in that class and all the classes I took from her while I was there.”

When asked if her life now is what she thought it would be like while in college, Kristen shared, “My life is way better than I could have ever hoped for in college. I dealt with so much insecurity in college and now I feel more confident about myself, the direction of my life, and try my best to spend my time and energy on people who build me up and enrich my life. I have a great family and rewarding career as a HR Business Partner for a small tech company. My interest for recruiting and Human Resources stemmed from my time in Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior at BYU. I love my career and can’t wait to see where it takes me!”

Thank you for your powerful words and example, Kristen!