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Hadley Avila

Hadley Avila (she/her) is a junior in our program from Wyoming. She is a member of the Psych Association (so be sure to say hello to her at their next event!) and enjoys rock climbing, hiking, and painting. Another fun fact is that she just got a new puppy!

When asked what originally drew her to the Psych program, Hadley shared, “Psych 111 was the first class I had ever taken on psychology and I was fascinated by all the things I learned, and specifically on all the subfields of psychology.” By small and simple things are great things brought to pass—one class can make all the difference! Once she graduates, Hadley plans on obtaining her PhD and going into research. She said, “I want to have the opportunity to make an impact in the world through my findings.” We know you will, Hadley! Be sure to say hi if you see Hadley around!