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Madeline Scoresby

Madeline Shaw-Scoresby of Dallas, Texas is one busy, talented student in psychology major here at BYU! Not only is Madeline so double-jointed that she can put her leg behind her neck, but she is also a member of the Anti-Human Trafficking Club, Holistic Health Club, Mindfulness and Meditation Club, All Access Club and Psych Association! Through working at a children’s therapy office and taking Intro to Social Work (SocW 200), she discovered her passion for social work and is planning on pursuing a master’s degree in social work once she graduates. One of Madeline’s most impactful volunteer experiences in her field was with Children's Justice Center in Provo. She explains, “At the Justice Center, children who were victims of a sex crime in Utah County would come a meet with the social workers, detectives, and representative from DCFS, all at the same time. This makes the process a lot easier on the children so they don't have to tell their experience multiple times. My job was to play downstairs with the children while they waited for their interview, or while we were waiting for their parents to be done. There was obviously a lot of hardship that happened there, but it was amazing to see all the healing that happened as well.”