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Student Support Advisor: Leeya Olmsted

Meet another of our new Psychology Support Student Advisors: Leeya Olmsted! Leeya (she/her) comes to us all the way from Nova Scotia, Canada! She is a senior in the Psychology major with a minor in Sociology. Her hobbies include reading, running, and creating anything new through crocheting, embroidering, digital art, and home décor.

Leeya was originally drawn to the psych major while on her mission. She shared, “On my mission I had a lot of companions that struggled with mental health as well as my older brother, and I always had a desire to help them and understand them better. I always felt very fulfilled when I was trying to help my loved ones. I decided that a career in helping people with mental health and living a better life in general would be a great direction for me!” When asked what advice she would give other psych majors, Leeya said, “I would say to have an open mind. It's super easy to come into the major already knowing exactly what you want to do, but there are so many areas in psychology that are incredible but aren't super well known. You'll never know what class or what topic will speak to you and perhaps change your entire vision of what you want to do with psychology.”

Thank you, Leeya!