Applied Social Psychology Emphasis Skip to main content

Applied Social Psychology Emphasis

This program and emphasis area is for students who want training in research and teaching, with an eye toward real-world applications of social psychology. This training can be used in a future career that includes some combination of research, teaching, and/or application (e.g., program development and evaluation, statistical or methodological consulting, legal consulting, industrial or organizational consulting, or various applications to health psychology).

Applied Social Psychology Course Requirements

  • General Core Courses:
    Req. TypeDepartmentCourse #HoursCourse Name
    MAJPsych5013Data Analysis in Psych Rsrch 1
    MAJPsych5023Data Analysis in Psych Rsrch 2
    MAJPsych5043Research Design
    MAJPsych5203Adv Developmental Psych
    MAJPsych5503Theory & Research in Soc Psych
    MAJPsych5753Cognitive & Affective Processes
    MAJPsych5853Neuro/Biol Bases of Behavior
    MAJPsych605R6Prof Seminar in Psych (1/semester=6 semesters)
    MAJPsych6081Ethic in Psychology Research DISS
    DISSPsych799R18Dissertation (see recommended sequence in Grad Handbook)
  • Required Area Emphasis Courses - Applied Social Psychology
    Req. TypeDepartmentCourse #HoursCourse Name
    MAJPsych5523Applied Social Psychology
    MAJPsych650R3Adv Seminar in Social Psych (0.5/semester=6 semesters)
    MAJPsych750R3Adv Topics in Social Psych *Additional area topics can be taken as elective courses.
  • Elective:
    Choose 1 emphasis area electives of your choice (3 credits). Courses listed below are just a few of the many elective options to choose from.
    Req. TypeDepartmentCourse #HoursCourse Name
    ELCPsych5103History and Systems of Psych
    ELCPsych5403Personality Theory
Research Areas & Faculty
We have full-time Applied Social Psychology faculty with research interests in the following areas:

Other faculty with research interests related to social psychology can be found in the Marriott School of Business, Department of Communications, Department of Sociology, and School of Family Life.

For additional information about our Applied Social Psychology program, please contact Rachelle Gunderson at 801-422-4560 or